삶의 지혜

This is an group assignment of ESL 119 course at Grossmont college.

Professor Nichols
ESL 119
2 Feb, 2013

Summary of “A View from Mount Ritter”

In Joseph T. O’Connor’s article “A View from Mount Ritter”, he states that a challenging trip can be the key to a wise life. The author begins the article by reminiscing about the hardships that he faced through his way to the top of Mount Ritter in northeastern California a year ago. O’Connor experienced a life-threatening weather; for example, torrential rain fell, lighting stroke near them, flash flood ran fast, and thunderstorm occurred. These dangerous weather made the author very scared and worried about his life. According to him, he spent one of the worst night of his life in the sleeping bag with the stream inside the tent. When he reached the top of Mount Ritter, he was attracted by the scenery of the vivid sun. At that moment, he realized that he should have listened to his parent and teacher’s advice. He also regretted not studying and being very high-mighty. In his final year of his school, he scored high average on the report card and received his first Honor Roll. Furthermore, he made a plan to go to university independently. This article’s final thought makes clear that O’Connol has changed to a new person.

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