Hello everyone. First, I will show u this short video for 1 and half minutes.
Okay. This video is about demonstration of Korean university students against the terrible high tuition fee.
Today, I am going to talk about a debt of university student. My source is from Koreaherald, On April, 25th ariticle and Nocut TV.
Every year many Korean university students do the campaign or demonstration against the government or authorities of each universities. Because of the rate of the tuition fee, students should do several part-time job, so they became not to worry there credit. Actually, they care for their credit! But, heavy schedules for having their tuition do not allow to do that. So, we can see the student in the class are sleeping or dozing.
The problem is that the more students try to use a financial support from the debt company. This phenomena is easily seen in America as well as Korea.
On April, 24th, Obama visits in Northcarolina university and gave a speech about the debt of the American university students. He said that the average college student graduates with about $25,000 in loan debt. Also, "Americans now owe more on their student loans than they do on their credit cards," Obama said. "And living with that kind of debt means that this generation is not getting off to the same start that previous generations - because you're already loaded up with debt."
Through these facts, it is thought that this matter is not only the problem of our university students. Because this will happen and hand down descendants continuously.
I suggest 3 things for this.
First, we should participate in an election for sincere politicians, who consider for this seriously. If we don’t vote, there will not be any results that we want.
Second, account auditing should be proceeded more strictly. It can prevent misuse of the school tuition. Through avoiding of shortage of money, we can distribute many scholarship to the students who really need it.
Third, we should try to make the social atmosphere as even individual, groups and organizations establish their internal stability. If we focus only on the name value of something seemingly, we will not recognize its real feature. Therefore, I think we should consider these points. Thank you.