삶의 지혜

Have you ever heard about “Chapaguri”? It is a kind of noodle, a mixed one. I’ve never eaten a “Chapaguri”. In the movie,”Parasite”, there is a scene in which main character, Jo yeo-jung is eating the Jjappaguri. (I just heard this story,,,I never seen this movie, too)
Anyway, it is easy to make Chapaguri, so I am going to explain about how to make the Chapaguri. LoL

1. Prepare a bag of 너구리”Neoguri” and 짜파게티”Chapagetti”.
2. Boil water for 3-4minutes.
3. Put all the noodles in a pot, and when it starts to boil, pour the water out 3/2.
4. Soon, add all the source of Chapagetti first, and then, 3/1 of Neoguri.
5. 1 minute later, off the gas and eat Chapa guri yummy. LoL

(As soon as I can, I’ll try to make this Chapa guri!!)



[짜파구리] 컵라면으로 먹는 짜파구리


[농심] 앵그리 짜파구리(매운맛)

기생충 영화때문에 한동안 유행했었지만, 짜파구리 컵라면은 오늘 처음 먹어보았습니다. 이번에 구매한 건 매운맛인 앵그리 짜파구리였어요 ㅎㅎㅎ 컵라면 포장을 보시면 너구리 눈에 불이나



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